Defend the Guard legislation stalls in the Florida House and Senate.
The assigned committees do not have it on their agendas.
Here are the names of whom to call and email.
SB422 by Jason Pizzo (D) and HB261 by Melony Bell (R) have yet to be heard by the assigned committees.
SB 422: Mobilization of the National Guard
“Mobilization of the National Guard; Citing this act as the “Defend the Guard Act”; prohibiting release of the Florida National Guard or any member thereof from this state into active duty combat without a declaration of war or other official action by the United States Congress; requiring the Governor to take all necessary actions to comply with such prohibition, etc.”
HB 261 - Mobilization of the Florida National Guard
General Bill by Bell (CO-SPONSORS) Beltran; Hawkins; Killebrew; Morales; Salzman.
“Mobilization of the Florida National Guard: Prohibits release of Florida National Guard or member thereof from this state into active duty combat without official declaration of war or other official action by United States Congress; requires Governor to take all necessary actions to comply with such prohibition.”
· This legislation prevents the Florida National Guard from being deployed to combat areas without a congressional declaration of war. The federal government relies on National Guard units to pursue its illegal wars around the world. This legislation will be another obstacle to those foreign adventures.
· Passage of this legislation shows Florida holds its National Guard members in the highest of esteem, refusing to allow them to be abused by unconstitutional foreign policy military adventures.
· For Florida’s libertarian party members, Defend the Guard is supported in the party platform which says
“1. STATE GOVERNMENT 1. In the absence of a declaration of war by the United States Congress, we oppose the use of Federal troops on Florida State soil. In addition, we do not support sending Florida National Guard troops overseas for foreign conflicts or missions.” (p.19) https://lpf.org/
SB422 is assigned to the Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security
· SB422 is not on its agenda for its next meeting on February 1,2022. The Chair and committee members need to be contacted by everyone who supports this bill, telling them to give it a hearing and vote YES in favor of it.
Their contact information is:
Chairperson Tom Wright- wright.tom@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5014
Senator Gayle Harrell (R)- harrell.gayle@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5025
Senator Danny Burgess (R)- burgess.danny.web@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5020
Senator Janet Cruz (D)- cruz.janet.web@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5018
Senator Audrey Gibson (D)- gibson.audrey.web@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5006
Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez (R)- rodriguez.anamaria.web@flsenate.gov
(850) 487-5039
Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. (D)- torres.victor.web@flsenate.gov850) 487-5015
· The first FL House committee is the Local Administration & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee. There is no February meeting information on the FL House website as of this writing. The Chair and committee members need to be contacted by everyone who supports this bill, telling them to give it a hearing and vote YES in favor of it.
Their contact information is:
Chair- Toledo, Jackie [R] - jackie.toledo@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5060
Harding, Joe [R] - joe.harding@myfloridahouse.gov (Vice Chair) (850) 717-5022
Goff-Marcil, Joy [D] - Joy.Goff-Marcil@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5030
Barnaby, Webster [R] - Webster.Barnaby@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5027
Bartleman, Robin [D] - robin.bartleman@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5104
Chaney, Linda [R] - Linda.Chaney@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5069
Daley, Dan [D] - Dan.Daley@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5097
Fetterhoff, Elizabeth Anne [R] - Elizabeth.Fetterhoff@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5026
Giallombardo, Mike [R] - Mike.Giallombardo@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5077
Joseph, Dotie [D] - dotie.joseph@myfloridahouse.gov(850) 717-5108
Killebrew, Sam H. [R] - Sam.Killebrew@myfloridahouse.gov (Bill co-sponsor)(850) 717-5041
Melo, Lauren [R] - Lauren.Melo@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5080
Oberdorf, Tobin Rogers “Toby” [R]- Toby.Overdorf@myfloridahouse.gov. (850) 717-5083
Persons-Mulicka, Jenna [R] - Jenna.Persons@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5078
Robinson, Felicia Simone [D] - Felicia.Robinson@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5102
Salzman, Michelle [R]- ---Michelle.Salzman@myfloridahouse.gov (Bill co-sponsor)(850) 717-5001
Smith, David [R] - David.Smith@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5028
Woodson, Marie Paule [D] Marie.Woodson@myfloridahouse.gov (850) 717-5101
Thank you for doing whatever you can in support of this important legislation.

Andrew Nappi is the original Florida Tenth Amendment Center state director. Nappi was blessed to be able to work with Michael Boldin in those early days and has remained passionate about state nullification and the duty to resist federal over reach.