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Welcome to The Florida Tenther

Pro Liberty, Anti State, Anti War

Welcome to The Florida Tenther. We are Florida advocates of liberty delivering dangerous ideas of freedom door to door.

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Home: Welcome

Against the Left Against the Left explores something basic to libertarianism that many people today have forgotten....

Why Authoritarianism Must Prevail

Freedom anywhere is a threat to authoritarianism everywhere. That is why authoritarians must destroy all freedom and why liberty lovers,...

Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty

Abortion has returned to the headlines thanks to Texas’ “heartbeat law.” As the name suggests, this law outlaws abortions performed after...

Money and the Constitution

Ratified between 1771 and 1781, the Articles of Confederation remained in force until they were superseded by the Constitution in 1788....

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under...

How Fiat Money Made Beef More Expensive

"Once we recognize the intimate connection between credit expansion and money production in the modern financial system, we can see how...

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Thanks for your interest in The Florida Tenther. For more information, please contact John Hallman, Editor and Director of Legislative Affairs at; or John Baeza, Editor and Director of Civil Liberties at

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